Camp creek yard wood shop

The new wood shop was carved out of the south end of the storage barn.
Converting the barn space to a shop involved pouring the concrete floor, adding insulation, walls ceiling, heat, electricity, and a concrete floor. Steel beams were erected to form the floor of the mezzanines.

So what was the purpose of the CCY car storage expansion? A world-class wood shop of course!

The big band saw seen here was really for the machine shop. We got a new band saw recently for use with wood.

The dust collection system was not hooked up yet to many of the machines shown here.

In this view, you can see part of the mezzanine on the west side of the shop, near the top of the photo.

In the background of this shot, you can see the vertical panel saw that was new at this time.

The new table saw has a VERY large table to work with. Whole sheets of plywood can be accommodated.

The wood shop also has a wonderful dust-collection system. Here you can see some of that still being installed.

Looking south in the new wood shop towards the door to the machine shop.

The second part of the new space is a "wooden car shop". Most of our wooden cars were in this structure to begin with. This is the view from the door as you walk into this area.

Part of the dust collection system for the wood shop resides on this side of the dividing wall. You can also see here the two "ships ladders" that provide access to the mezzanines on either side of the wood shop.

The track inside the wooden car shop is long enough for two cars to be worked on simultaneously.

Looking south from the north end, this space is a wonderful addition to our facilities. Allowing volunteers to work year-round is a huge advantage.

We temporarily stored rolls of carpet here that ended up in the new dining car (4110).

Looking south again from the north end. This was before any cars occupied this track.

Overhead view from the east platform to that side's mezzanine.

Empty space on the east mezzanine. It didn't stay empty for long!

The west mezzanine already had some shelves up at this time.

Another downward view from the west side.

These mezzanines are a great place to store parts for all of our projects. But it's never enough space!

The snow plow and CBQ caboose move in.