Quebec Central Snow plow

Engineers side of snowplow. Plow is still in remarkable condition considering its age.

Side view of snow plow.

Rear view of snow plow.

Adjustable cutting edge of snow plow. Individual plates can have height adjusted to accommodate crossings, switch frogs and other clearance concerns while plowing snow.

Volunteer checking and measuring depth of cut for replacement wood pieces being installed.

Several volunteers working on the CP snowplow on a cold winter day inside the new heated wood car shop.

Volunteers aligning new wood pieces for installation.

Roof was removed as part of restoration to fully assess wood integrity of the car.

Snow plow was carefully taken apart and parts and materials tagged and safely stored on staging shelving.

Original Quebec Central paint, reporting marks and number visible underneath wing of snowplow.

View of top of car side from interior showing areas where new parts will be fabricated and installed. This is painstaking process.

Cupola is suspended. Adjustments and alignment are continually checked and verified while measuring for each replacement part. ⇐ Prev Next ⇒

Volunteers fabricating new wood replacement piece for snow plow in the museum's new mortising machine.

View of operator stand with air operated equipment to control plow height and operate the side wings.

View of top sill of car.

Original placard for employee notice and original paint .

Interior overall view.

Original red painted snow plow marker for engineers side plow wing.