Kuelbs Workshop

2018 saw the Museum's purchase of the nearby property that used to be a private residence.

With this property came an average looking garage.

Thanks to a generous donation by the family and friends of the late Dick Kuelbs, the garage was transformed into a workshop that matches the Nelson Crossing Depot which it sits across the track from it.

Complete with fake motorcar doors like the Rankin Building, the workshop looks very authentic now.

The donation also provided funds to re-do the former garage interior. The north room was raw studs before this transformation. This is a rolling storage box for North Pole cords and control boxes that we keep in this space.

New shelving in the worksop allows for more efficient storage of Polar supplies.

The south side was already a workshop, but new paint and lighting made a big difference.

Also on the south side was this usable cabinetry.

Looking at the east side of the workshop All this storage is useful.

Then in 2019, new workbenches arrived.

These workbenches are a big improvement from the folding tables we started out with.

Good insulation in the workshop means that we can have A/C in the summer, and electric heat in the winter.